在美国买了个农场,30亩,我为它取名BNB Seattle。
是我入职前,专门买给BNB Chain开发者的礼物????。
I bought a 30-acre ranch in the U.S. and named it BNB Seattle. It’s a gift I prepared specifically for BNB Chain developers right before I started my role???? (Full English ????????).
但凡有助于你在BNB Chain搞开发的,我都尽力给你搞到。
这是美国的第一间BNB Hackerhouse,一个长久的,不会关门的生活空间,build空间。
所有人,和你的猫猫狗狗,但凡你在BNB Chain上build,我都欢迎你们随时来免费住。
如今, 设计师还在设计这第一间hackerhouse(设计图出来后第一时间向大家汇报),已经有一位创始人说,想要在纽约找一间大屋子,做BNB开发者来了就能住、能开会的builder house。
我希望有一天,BNB House能跟随开发者的脚步,在地球上处处生花。
美国的BNB Chain项目方们,已经有好些确认会常来参加了。
我也会在里面,确保你通晓BNB Chain闯关法,我们一系列的、健全的孵化资源,怎么在你的每个阶段,都为你赋能。
关于BNB Chain在西方的发展和扎根。
需要找到更多感兴趣在BNB上部署的南北美项目方和开发者,尤其是AI crypto项目方。
BNB Seattle的农场建设,我会全程直播,即时汇报进展。
3、你觉得BNB Chain还应该拥有什么?
I bought a 5 acre ranch in the U.S. and named it BNB Seattle. It’s a gift I prepared specifically for BNB Chain developers right before I started my role.
The ranch has a pond, a barn, a wood, an orchard, parks, multiple gardens, a cabin, a jacuzzi, high-speed internet, and plenty of rooms.
Also planning to find home designers from all over to help turn every corner into a creative living space. Whatever helps you with building on BNB Chain, I’ll do my best to provide.
This is the first BNB Hacker House in the U.S..
A permanent, open space where you can live and build.
Everyone building on BNB Chain is welcome to stay for free forever, including your cats and dogs.
We’ll host regular builder events, with frequent small gatherings.
Several BNB Chain projects based in the U.S. have already confirmed they’ll be frequent participants.
If you’re facing technical challenges, top CTOs will be here to help you build.
I’ll also be here to ensure you fully understand how to navigate BNB Chain and take advantage of our comprehensive incubation resources at every stage of your development.
I’m making sure the ranch is filled with BNB elements as part of our goal to strengthen and expand BNB Chain’s presence in the West.
This is just the beginning.
The Hacker House is in progress, I still need some help:
Local volunteers based in Seattle.
Also need to connect with more developers and projects in the Americas interested in deploying on BNB Chain, especially AI Crypto developers.
We need to invite more VCs, KOLs, community members, and people interested in entering Web3.
I welcome any ideas or suggestions!
I’ll be giving real-time updates on BNBSeattle’s progress.
And a few additional things:
- Some of my Web2 influencer friends, who have tens of millions of followers, plan to stay as well, bringing their photographers and directors to create lifestyle content.
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